Female Psychopaths – Sociopathic Charisma

“…Additional documented characteristics of sociopaths as a group. One of the more frequently observed of these traits is a glib and superficial charm that allows the true sociopath to seduce other people, figuratively or literally – a kind of glow or charisma that, initially, can make the sociopath seem more charming or more interesting than...
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Female Psychopaths – Repetitive Devaluation of Others

“Some of the psychodynamics of the psychopath bring us closer to his evil, or his wish to destroy goodness.  Psychopaths are aggressively narcissistic, and this aspect of their character pathology is often behaviorally expressed in their repetitive devaluation of others … .” –J. Reid Meloy, Ph.D.,  in The Mark of Cain For more information: www.winisbooks.com

Female Psychopaths – The Annihilatory Stare

 “The psychopathic individual is able to unconsciously project an annihilatory stare that is intuitively felt by others.”       – Meloy, J. Reid. The Psychopathic Mind: Origins, Dynamics and Treatment. Northvale, NJ:       Jason Aronson, Inc. 2002. 74. Print. For more information: www.winisbooks.com

Female Psychopaths – Destruction and Pain, but Hope

“Whether male or female, relative to their small numbers, psychopaths create a disproportionate amount of destruction and pain. A trail of victims can always be discovered in their wake. Both layfolk and professionals are ill-equipped to cope with these individuals. Fortunately, science has provided us with the means for better protecting ourselves. We are now...
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Female Psychopaths – Psychopathic Narcissists

“The weight of clinical research supports the hypothesis that psychopathic personality organization is one subtype of narcissistic personality disorder, albeit an extreme and dangerous variant.” — quoting J. Reid Meloy, Ph.D, The Psychopathic Mind For more information: www.winisbooks.com