Female Psychopaths – Destruction and Pain, but Hope

“Whether male or female, relative to their small numbers, psychopaths create a disproportionate amount of destruction and pain. A trail of victims can always be discovered in their wake. Both layfolk and professionals are ill-equipped to cope with these individuals. Fortunately, science has provided us with the means for better protecting ourselves. We are now...
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Female Psychopaths – Psychopathic Narcissists

“The weight of clinical research supports the hypothesis that psychopathic personality organization is one subtype of narcissistic personality disorder, albeit an extreme and dangerous variant.” — quoting J. Reid Meloy, Ph.D, The Psychopathic Mind For more information: www.winisbooks.com

Female Psychopaths – No Loyalty …Grossly Selfish …No Guilt

“[Psychopaths] are incapable of significant loyalty to individuals, groups or social values. They are grossly selfish, callous, irresponsible, impulsive and unable to feel guilt or to learn from experience and punishment.” Kernberg, Otto F.,  quoting from DSM-II (American Psychiatric Association 1968), contained in Meloy, J. Reid. The Mark of Cain. For more information: www.winisbooks.com

Psychopathic Females – Histrionics for Exploitation!

Psychopathic women are known for their histrionics:                 — Emotionality that is excessive                — She gushes These are used as tactics, deployed to deceive and manipulate.Their acting can be very convincing and make you feel sympathyfor them – the better to win you over, so you can be exploited. For more information: www.winisbooks.com

Female Psychopaths – Excitement — Breaking Rules

“Psychopaths have an ongoing and excessive need for excitement — they long to live in the fast lane or “on the edge,” where the action is.  In many cases the action involves breaking the rules.” –  Quoting from Without Conscience by Robert D. Hare, Ph.D. For more information:  www.winisbooks.com